Debt Neglector - Dirty Water

Debt Neglector - Dirty Water

Regular price$18.00


10% of all proceeds from the sales of this record will go to Flint Kids Fund and Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village, both of which are organizations working to help the youth affected by the dangerous levels of lead and toxins that was piped into their homes from the Flint River.

Yellow/Green/Black Smash / 150 (Smartpunk Exclusive)
Half Geen/Half Cloudy Clear / 150 (SBAM Exclusive)
White / 300 (Indie Store Exclusive)
Random Eco Mix / 400

Dirty Water
Anti Trust
Cult Cult Cult
Space Case
Least I Could Do
Pardon Our Dust
Nothing Works
Eviction Notice
Sore Loser
Live Alert
Business Is Booming
Bad Faith

*Product images are a digital mock. Actual item may appear different in color and effect. Digital downloads will be delivered on release days.

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