Mom Jeans - Best Buds | Smartpunk Exclusive
Mom Jeans - Best Buds | Smartpunk Exclusive

Mom Jeans - Best Buds | Smartpunk Exclusive

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Hot dang, the hits keep coming. This album is amazing. The indie-emo group from California is certainly not the first to write an album about their ex, but they nailed it like only a few do. The instrumentation is flawless and the production could not be better for the style of indie. Honestly, just listen to the record and stop reading some dumb description that's supposed to entice you into checking it out. It's worth it.

Cherry Red Eco Mix / 300

Track List:
1. Death Cup
2. Danger Can't
3. Movember (ft. Sarah Levy)
4. Edward 40hands
5. *Sobs Quietly*
6. Poor Boxer Shorts
7. Remy's Boyz
8. Girl Scout Cookies
9. Scott Pilgrim vs. My GPA
10. Vape Nation

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